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Results for "keyword: "time""
Frequency A sci-fi thriller about a son who mysteriously reconnects with his father during a shower of light from the aurora borealis.
Conceiving Ada An innovatively feminist film in which two women struggle to give birth to something that will be lasting despite the intrusion of others.
Midnight in Paris A Woody Allen classic with Paris as an enchanting backdrop, some appealing characters, and a potpourri of witty one-liners.
NOVA scienceNOW: Can We Live Forever? New Technology for a Longer Life Thought-provoking material on custom-made body parts, the discovery of a longevity gene, and passing on your wisdom after you've died.
The Burning Plain A multi-narrative film that explores the challenges of coming to terms with the past and putting it behind us.
The Hours A mesmerizing and multidimensional drama based on a Pulitzer prize-winning novel about the yearning of three women and their varied paths to passion, meaning, and happiness.
Tuck Everlasting A fine family drama about a fifteen-year-old girl whose mysterious adventures in the forest teach her to live in the present moment.
Cast Away The spiritual tale of a man stranded on a desert island forced to cope with his own place in the world.
The Two Jakes Points out that we may think we're done with the past but it almost never is done with us.
Time After Time An inventive comedy-mystery.